Welcome to Final Fantasy XIII Hype Thread, the must-read resource on Square Enix's ravenously anticipated RPG. In this thread will be posted every single bit of info, news, reviews, previews, everything related with Final Fantasy XIII.
First, if your new to Final Fantasy you might wanna check this very well done article about:
[url=http://retro.ign.com/articles/998/998839p1.html] HISTORY OF FINAL FANTASY[/url]Know the legacy of the greatest RPG franchise in videogames.
by Travis FahsFinal Fantasyis the longest swan song of all time. It was never meant to last, but now, more than two decades later, it remains the most recognizable name in role-playing games. More of an idea than a true series, it has evolved into something that a youngHironobu Sakaguchiwould never recognize and almost single-handedly turned a small, struggling company into an international powerhouse. In the twenty years since it first arrived on Japanese Famicom systems, it's never once relied on nostalgia or conceded to rest on its laurels. Every new game has continued to press forward, and that's precisely what makes it one of the most interesting stories in game history...![]()
In this section i will post any new info, interviews, previews, reviews, whats new in the thread, and if you have imported the japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII and want to give us short summary with the pros and cos of the game, i will also post it in this area. Your opinion on the game also matters
Final Fantasy XIII NEWS
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Reviews ( Only Metacritic/Gamerankings reviews go here) and Reception
Now back to FFXIII. First the story and characters, don't worry: everything that i write has been shared by Square Enix itself and shown in the trailers, so there shouldn't be any material that will spoil the story for you (of course, if you do want your experience to be totally fresh, skip the the plot and characters section).PLOT
Final Fantasy XIII has six primary playable characters. Each primary character is a l'Cie, chosen by a fal'Cie for some task, and has the marking or tattoo somewhere on their body to show for it. They're each paired with an Eidolon -- a connection that plays a part in the story.Lightning( codename )
''This solitary young woman speaks little of herself -- even her true name is a mystery. She is known to others simply as 'Lightning.' ''
Lightning was the first character introduced for Final Fantasy XIII and, if there has to be a ''main'' character for the game, she'd probably qualify (she is on the box, after all). She's formerly a member of a security force in Boudam, operating under the Cocoon government.
Her last name is Farron, but Lightning is not her real first name. When she was young, her parents passed away. Wanting to become strong and care for Serah, her younger sister, she decided to rid herself of the name given to her by her parents.
Lightning's Eidolon is Odin, who transforms into a horse. Her default weapon is ''Blaze Edge,'' a prototype army weapon that combines a gun and a sword.
Snow Villiers
''An irrepressible, fiery young man, Snow dives headfirst into danger using nothing but his powerful physique as a weapon. Easily swayed by emotion, he is prone to rash words and actions. Nonetheless, many are won over by his outgoing and optimistic nature.''
Snow was first introduced to Final Fantasy XIII through a trailer in which he appeared in the scene on a motorcycle. He's head of a group of ragtag rebels called Nora. He's also engaged to Serah, having proposed to her even after learning that she was chosen to be a l'Cie.
Snow's Eidolon is Shiva, a pairing of two sisters Nix and Stella, who merge into a motorcycle form. He fights with direct punches and kicks, although his weapon is actually his coat, which assumes various patterns depending on the current effect. By default, the coat is in ''Wild Bear'' form.
Oerba Dia VanilleVanille is an endearing young woman with a relentlessly sunny disposition. Her bright personality gives no hint of the dark resolve that lies within.''
Vanille appeared in XIII trailers long before we knew her name, shown looking out upon the world of Pulse (her pigtails made people refer to her as ''pigtail girl'' for some time). She appears to be close to Hope, whom, as depicted in the Advent Children demo, she meets in Hanged Edge. Like Hope, she was selected by the Cocoon government to be purged to Pulse.
Vanille's Eidolon, the last one revealed for the game, is Hecatoncheir, who transforms into a mech. Her default weapon is the ''Bind Rod,'' an original Final Fantasy XIII creation that attacks enemies with wires and hooks
Sazh Katzroy''Sazh is a friendly, cheerful man who is never without his curious companions -- a Chocobo chick and a pair of pistols. He is quick to banter, but also keeps a mature perspective on matters. Uncontrollable events have set him on his current path, but another purpose compels him to walk it.''
Sazh is a private pilot who ends up moving alongside Lightning following Boudam's purge. He has a son, Dahj, whom he raised alone following the death of Dadjh's mom. The Chocobo chick was a present from Sazh to Dahj when the two were visiting a resort colony.
Sazh's summon is newcomer Brynhildr, who transforms into a hotrod-like vehicle. As his weapon, he makes use of guns which he holds in holsters attached to both legs. His initial weapon is Vega, a pair of guns that can be combined into a rifle.Hope Estheim
''Hope has enjoyed a markedly uneventful youth on humankind's haven of Cocoon. His life is turned upside down at the hands of the Sanctum's Purge.''
14-year-old Hope and his mom were visiting Boudam when the purge took place. As depicted in the Advent Children demo, Snow was unable to keep Hope's mom safe after she volunteered to assist Nora in their rebellion. As a result, Hope resents Snow.
Hope has the biggest summon of them all, the massive Alexander.
His weapon is a boomerang, initially the Air Wing. Boomerangs are apparently a big thing now in Cocoon extreme sports (we're not sure if this means there'll be a boomerang mini-game or not). Hope's pockets also have a bit of technology in them. They serve as a transport mechanism, which carries the boomerang when he enters battle.
Oerba Yun Fang''Fang is a mysterious woman who is working with the Sanctum military, despite bearing the mark of the detested l'Cie. She has a strong-minded personality and is unconcerned with trivialities.''
Fang was the last major character introduced for Final Fantasy XIII. It's unknown why she supports Cocoon despite bearing the l'Cie mark.
Fang's summon is Bahamut, who transforms between bipedal and flying dragon forms. Her default weapon is the Blade Lance, a dual-bladed lance.![]()
The battle system, called Command Synergy Battle in game, has been described as ''More tactical thanFinal Fantasy X, faster thanX-2, and almost as seamless asXII.'' The enemies are visible in the field. When the player runs into them with the playable characters, the screen lights up and the scene switches to a vast, blank battlefield, marking the start of a battle. In the battle, the player can control only one character out of a party of up to three, but after some point in the game that character can be switched. The progression in the game will be chapter-based. In each chapter, you'll see the story through the view of different characters.There are 3 important systems in working in conjution in Final Fantasy XIII battle system: ATB system, Break system and Paradigm Shift.
ATB- The
Active Time Battlebar returns in the battle system, but this time it is divided into sections (6 is the maximum number of sections). Each command available to the battle party has a numeric value referred to as ''ATB Cost'' next to the name indicating how many of these sections it will take up. This allows the player to input several commands per turn. The next turn comes up sooner if the ATB bar is only partially used.Because of the ''ATB Cost'' points, there is no MP in the game. Also, since magic cannot be used outside of battle, the party's HP is completely restored after every battle. At Gamescom 2009, it was revealed that there are no Limit Breaks because of the unique summoning powers, and that there is no way to escape from battles once they're initiated. There are items that can be used to avoid battles, though, and each enemy is marked by its difficulty level with a symbol in the field as the player approaches them. If a battle ends in defeat, the player has the option to either try it again or return to the previous save point.Save points in this game allow the player not only to save, but access a shop in which items can be bought or sold.
Break- A new element called the
Breakbar is added to the battle, as well. It is specific to each enemy, and it depletes as the player performs attack combos marked by a percentage. If the combos continue, ''Break Mode'' is entered, where even more damage can be done. Enemies in this mode can be launched in the air and juggled with attacks. When a battle is won, a victory screen pops up, giving the player a one-to-five stars ranking on how they did in the battle, as well as showing how long the battle took and the number of chain and break attacks. This information is linked to the Trophy and Achievement systems of PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, respectively.
Paradigm Shift- In the battle system of the game, the player can only control one character at a time. The other party members' actions can, however, be affected by a system called the ''Paradigm Shift'' (''Optima Change'' in the Japanese version).Paradigms are described as ''stances'' or ''****s'' that the characters temporarily take during battles to define the abilities they use. However, they are more strict than job ****s; for example, the character with a Medic role equipped can do nothing but heal, while the Commando role forces the character to only attack with physical and magical strikes.The paradigms can be changed at any time to suit the situation at hand. However, they cannot be changed individually to each character, only for the whole party at a time. Thus, a paradigm is a combination of three roles.The roles within the paradigms are:
Commando (COM):Build attack chains more easily with enhanced strength.
Ravanger(RAV): Charge enemy chain gauges with concentrated attacks.
Sentinel(SEN): Shield allies from enemy attacks with enhanced defense
Synergist (SYN) :Support allies with an array of magical enhancements.Medic(MED): Use healing actions on yourself and allies.
Saboteur(SAB): Inflict status ailments on the enemy.
Gameplay SystemsThe main customization systems inFinal Fantasy XIIIare known as ''Crystarium'' and ''Equipment Reform'' Square Enixhas also filled out the game with such side offerings as monster hunting quests and Chocobo treasure hunts.
Crystarium System
Final Fantasy XIII is missing one of the key concepts of other RPGs: levels. Your characters don't level-up following battle.
Instead, you use the Crystarium System to build up your characters in certain roles. Crystal Points (CP) that you've earned in battle can be used to move your character through a tree-like chart, unlocking new skills and parameter modifiers along the way.
While your characters don't directly have ''levels,'' there is the concept of a ''level'' included in the game. Your roles have levels. Once you've reached a central point in a role's Crystarium chart, the role will level up and you'll be given a higher level chart.
Your characters also have a ''level'' of sorts defined through their overall Cyrstarium level. This level is tied into the story and serves as a cap on the maximum level that your roles can reach.
Equipment ReformThis system lets you make weapon upgrades and modifications by ''feeding'' your items with special materials that you acquire while on your quest. As you add materials to weapons, the weapons gain experience, eventually reaching a maximum level and evolving into a new form.
The game includes over 100 materials. These can be found in treasure chests, earned by defeating enemies, purchased, and acquired on missions (see below).
The materials have different effects depending on type. Some simply increase the weapon's experience value. Others interact with subsequently applied materials. For instance, one item adds a 1.25 experience multiplier to the next added material. It's a good idea to use this with a material that adds a large amount of experience to the weapon.
Using the Equipment Reform system, it's possible to build up your very first weapon throughout the course of the game and use it to defeat the final boss.
Mission SystemThe l'Cie turn to zombie-like Cie Corpses when they fail to fulfill their focus. Eventually, they turn into obelisks which are found here and there in the Pulse overworld and serve the noble task of feeding players with optional side missions.
Final Fantasy XIII's mission system involves finding and defeating particular monsters, some of whom are said to be tougher than the final boss. By clearing missions, you'll get materials which can be used in the item reform system. Some materials will be accessible exclusively through this system.
The missions also have a ranking dynamic. You earn ranks as you clear missions.
Mission Mode does partially fit into the game's story. The mission briefing screen includes a profile detailing the obelisk's memories of its time as a l'Cie. The mission that you're performing is actually the Focus of the obelisk's l'Cie form.
The obelisks are the final form for the l'Cie. They're stuck like that forever, although on a positive note, this means that you can take on missions over and over again if you like.
Trophies and AchievementsFinal Fantasy XIII embraces that modern gaming concept of the Trophy (or Achievements, if you're playing on Xbox 360). For the most part, you'll get Bronze Trophies as you work through the story. Gold Trophies will require a bit of effort. Some Trophies will give you actual prizes, including XMB themes.
Chocobo Treasure HuntsIn XIII, you'll find two types of Chocobos. The familiar cute type can be found in Cocoon, in an amusement area known as Nautilus Park. In Pulse, you'll find wild Chocobos. These are large enough to ride and sure enough that's just what you'll do.
You can use the Pulse Chocobos to race across the vast expanses of the Pulse world. You'll need to take care when driving, through, as the Chocobos incur damage when struck by an enemy and will flee when its life bar (just a bunch of feathers) reaches zero.
Chocobos have the ability to scan for treasure. They're also excellent diggers. This will apparently result in some sort of treasure hunting system.
As for the other type of Chocobo, it's unclear at this point if they do anything expect look cute. Incidentally, the baby Chocobo that Sazh carries around with him is of the Cocoon variety.
The summoned. The salvation of the ill-fated l'Cie.''Summonsreturn in this game as
Eidolons, linked with the powers of the l'Cie. Playable Eidolons includeShiva Sisters,Odin,Bahamut,Alexander, and two new summonsBrynhildrandHecatoncheir, whileIfrit,CarbuncleandSirenappear in
Final Fantasy XIIIbut are not playable. All Eidolons have been given futuristic designs and the power to change their shape. The Eidolons are used both as a gameplay feature and as plot devices in cutscenes. Each character has only one Eidolon, and Eidolons replace the other party members besides the summoner when called.Eidolons are summoned by the use of ''Tactical Points'' (TP), which is won after battles. Also, instead of HP, Eidolons use ''Summon Points'' (SP) to indicate their health, but SP also slowly decreases over time. Inital SP depends on the TP level used to summon the Eidolon. Once SP is completely depleted, the Eidolon will disappear, and the other party members will return. Additionally, each l'Cie must win the ''approval'' of their respective Eidolon by defeating them in combat.In addition to summoning Eidolons to fight alongside them, each Eidolon can transform into another form that combines them with the summoner. This takes place in a mode called ''Gestalt Mode'' (''Driving Mode'' in the Japanese version), where combat becomes more action-oriented, with the summon being able to perform various special attacks with certain button combinations. Each Eidolon's Gestalt Mode also includes a powerful finisher move that will end the summoning after being used. How often and for how long the player can activate this ability is again determined by TP.
Odin is the Eidolon residing inLightning'srose-shaped crystal, meaning he cannot be summoned by anyone else.He appears as a gigantic horned knight wearing a white cape and wielding a large double-sided sword with an ''S'' shape in one hand, with a massive shield on his opposite arm.Lightning andHopewill first face him as a boss, as a test to prove Lightning's strength to him. In hisGestalt Mode, Odin transforms into the horse Sleipnir for Lightning to ride on and she uses his detachable swords as weapons. His attacks seem to be aligned with the elements ofLightningandWind.
Final Fantasy XIII, apparently using other elemental attacks,Snow Villiers's Eidolonis the Shiva Sisters. They are composed of
Styria, the dark-skinned elder sister with a light patch around her right eye, and younger, lighter-skinned
Nix, who has a dark patch around one eye. These two sisters combine into a motorcycle in theirGestalt Modewhich Snow rides on.
HECATONCHEIRHecatoncheirisOerba Dia Vanille'sEidolon. It is anEarth-elementalcreature with multiple arms.
During its Gestalt Mode it transforms into a war machine with gun turrets that Vanille rides. The summon's gameplay concept is Shooting Blaster, and its Gestalt Mode is intended to be a ranged attacker with attacks which place a strong emphasis on the positions of the enemies in the battle. Its super move is
Gaian Salvo.
BRYNHILDRBrynhildrisSazh Katzroy's Eidolon in
Final Fantasy XIII. She is aFire-elemental knight who wields a large weapon reminiscent of both a mace and a pickax. This weapon has also been shown to fire projectiles like a gun.During her Gestalt Mode she transforms into a sports car. Her super move is called
M鷖pell Flame.
ALEXANDERAlexander makes a return in the form of a playable summon as theEidolon of Hope Estheim. In this game, Alexander takes on a far more human appearance than in other games, possessing visible hands for the first time. He uses his powerful fists to strike enemies, but is also capable of long range attacks. In his Gestalt Mode, Alexander becomes a fortress surrounding the battlefield while Hope stays on him, giving him orders. He fires beams of holy light from his cannons. According toMotomu Toriyama, Alexander is a ''tactical commander.''
BAHAMUTBahamut is present in
Final Fantasy XIIIasOerba Yun Fang'sEidolon. He is summoned by Fang from a crystal shard. He then dives from the sky in his Gestalt form before landing and returning to his original form. His regular attack in his normal form resembles a less powerful version of Mega Flare. His Gestalt Mode sees him transform into a flying mechanical dragon, which Fang can ride. His attacks then involve quick dives, lasers and explosion, culminating in a very powerful Mega Flare.Thread aint done yet, im busy right now, ill update it later.The FINAL FANTASY XIII MEGA HYPE THREAD
Hmm... GS lets you put more than one line of text beside an image?
I thought ''hakanakumono'' already made one...
I like the thread by hakanakumono better
9.0, AAA
I think it'll get 9.0 here, it'll be good, but like ff12, will have some things wrong with it.
Hakanakumono has already made a quite frankly better hype thread. Check it out sometime.
[QUOTE=''Shirokishi_'']Hakanakumono has already made a quite frankly better hype thread. Check it out sometime.[/QUOTE]fourth poster to say that. I think TC gets it. And this is a perfectly good hype thread.
my thread aint over yet.
[QUOTE=''Drakes_Fortune'']my thread aint over yet.[/QUOTE]
Give them nothing,but take from them...Everything!!!
[QUOTE=''Lto_thaG''][QUOTE=''Drakes_Fortune'']my thread aint over yet.[/QUOTE]
Give them nothing,but take from them...Everything!!![/QUOTE]
Nooooooooooooooo, for the love of God, no more 300 quotes!!!!
I think people still do those damn quotes on FFXI, I can't stand it!!!
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''Lto_thaG''][QUOTE=''Drakes_Fortune'']my thread aint over yet.[/QUOTE]
Give them nothing,but take from them...Everything!!![/QUOTE]
Nooooooooooooooo, for the love of God, no more 300 quotes!!!!
I think people still do those damn quotes on FFXI, I can't stand it!!![/QUOTE]
:lol:...I imagine the epic battle that ensues.
its gotten quite a bit AA scores from what i saw, so ill hype AA. The ones rating it lower have all been western reviewers for the most part, which may not bode well for it. still got it preordered though.
Drakes_Fortune, I already have an extensive hype thread.
It's a shame really you did so much work on this thread. Next time look before posting Hakanakumono posted way before you. Maybe you two can work together on the thread he already started. I am sticking Hakanakumono thread so I will be closing this one. Sorry