No thanks. I just want more SP RPGs from them.Mass Effect MMO?
If ME turns into a MMO I will have no life.Starting from the release date.
They have already said there will be more Mass Effect. I can not see in anyway a MMO considering they are making one already so Bioware will not want to compete with itself and Wow at the same time. It has a universe with easy enough depth to do it though. I would also play it in a heart beat.
Prolly end up just like Star Trek Online or something
Its very plausible, although it would lose some of its appeal since an MMO version wouldn't have the same kind of storyline, characters, dialogue, etc. that people like about Mass Effect. But definitely, an MMO in its universe could work. There's tons of races and factions.
That would be awesome. As long as they kept the quests well written and actually interseting unlike *cough* WoW *cough*
i'd rather bioware just stick with the star wars mmo.
God no don't ruin Mass Effect by making it into an MMO. After Mass Effect 3 comes out that will be the end of Shepards story but that still leaves it open to other storys in the universe if they felt like it.
[QUOTE=''Skittles_McGee'']Its very plausible, although it would lose some of its appeal since an MMO version wouldn't have the same kind of storyline, characters, dialogue, etc. that people like about Mass Effect. But definitely, an MMO in its universe could work. There's tons of races and factions.[/QUOTE]
Actually considering Biowares making a Starwars MMO it's not.
No thanks.
Luckily ME3 is already confirmed for the 360, which makes very unlikely that will be a MMO. I wouldn't be surprised if a next-gen ME is a MMO, though.
[QUOTE=''IronBass'']No thanks.
Luckily ME3 is already confirmed for the 360, which makes very unlikely that will be a MMO. I wouldn't be surprised if a next-gen ME is a MMO, though.[/QUOTE]
would buy it in a heartbeat :)
Another Wow clone, this time based on one of my absolute favorite franchises? PLEASE NO!
If it could maintain the exact gameplay, quests and graphics. I would be all over that. But that can't happen without some sort of downgrade :( at least not with current tech.
I would pass most likely. The appeal for me of Mass Effect is rooted in the fact that it is a personal story told on a grand scale. The choices you make effect the whole galaxy and all subsequent games in the series. If the game were an MMO, I would feel rather meaningless in the galaxy as there would be thousands doing the same things as me.
That and there would be no party members to recruit, therefore it wouldn't feel like Mass Effect at all gameplay-wise. The window dressing would be there (the races, the backstory, the locations), but there would be no spirit or draw for me
no thank you.
mass effect is awesome as an single rpg game
[QUOTE=''lawlessx''] would buy it in a heartbeat :)[/QUOTE]
No you won't. :evil:
You are gonna support quality SP experiences like your good friend IB. :)
[QUOTE=''chaplainDMK'']Prolly end up just like Star Trek Online or something[/QUOTE]
my thoughts
It'll definitely happen, but not until BioWare/BioWare Austin are done with SW:TOR (and that could be a long ways off).
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