Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PC or PS3? (sorta)

I've got a budget to build a better PC right now (I do some mild PC gaming on a laptop but was looking to possibly go for an actual beefy homebuilt system) but suddenly I got to thinking about what games coming out this year that seem appealing and for some reason PS3 seemed really appealing. Besides always being interested in Littlebigplanet, I would love to play Uncharted 2, and GoW3 and Heavy Rain and the Last Guardian all look for PC there's some great stuff coming out (SC2 anyone?) and obviously the online stuff will always be better on PC, but, here's the deal.I have an HDTV. I don't however have a good set of home theater speakers or a blue-ray player to optimize it. So for the money I saved for the PC, I could get the speakers and the PS3...but it would put my PC purchasing off for at least a year...(thus is the nature of saving).
Well: thoughts?PC or PS3? (sorta)
Wait.You want to play LBP, MGS4, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, Resistance 2, Ratchet Future, Gran Turismo 5, God Of War 3, and other PS3 exclusives...not to mention sweet multiplats.You are lucky enough to own an HDTV!?...but you don't have Blu-Ray! :shock:The PS3 is your answer my friend.:P It will provide the games you specifically are taking about and want, and it will provide you HDTV some much needed Blu-Ray Love!This is a no brainer for me.The PC you can still upgrade down the road, but your bought an HDTV, and it needs some TLC. You spent the money on the set.Getting that HDTV was the hard part, providing the Blu-Ray tech is the easy part, don't deny you, your family, friends, and HDTV the technology you all deserve! :lol:Have a good one, mate!:)
PC or PS3? (sorta)
Well; I must say that get a ps3, especially because you want to play all those exclusives. I say go for the ps3 first and then the super pc.
Pc since its got more uses than gaming.
since you want to play so many ps3 titles why not just get a ps3?
Get the PS3 now and worry about the PC later. You will then have the BD player the speakers and some great exclusives.
I think you'll be happy either way, but the PS3 is really at its best with a large HDTV (at least 50'') and a good sound system (HDMI is nice but not required).
[QUOTE=''Punjabiking101'']Pc since its got more uses than gaming.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure his laptop is good enough for that, read the OP. @TC define ''mild'' PC gaming? :P

Get a PS3, it's still the best value out of the consoles (for the money).
Oh yeah, I use the laptop for all my non-gaming stuff, and it's good enough that I can play WoW or Torchlight on it, just not Crysis. That's actually the game that gave me the PC bug -- I saw Crysis maxed out at a friends house and was blown away.
its pretty clear you know what you want.
Nah, I'm still torn. Seeing games like LFD2 and Crysis maxed on a PC, it looks amazing. But the idea of throwing money at better external speakers for my TV ALSO sounds like a great way to enhance my gaming -- just like PC-max graphics would enchance my gaming (seeing a great PC in action makes some 360 games look like Super Nintendo).Honestly, I was so on the PC path until I found out Diablo 3 was not coming out until 2011. That alone made me think, why bother? I guess it's a matter of just drawing a list of the PS3 exclusives vs the PC exclusives for the year and seeing who wins. Coz right now, I'm torn!
I have an HDTV and I want to play PS3 exclusives......:| :idea:I KNOW! I'll get a PS3!
[QUOTE=''Punjabiking101'']Pc since its got more uses than gaming.[/QUOTE]


I'm pretty sure he already has a computer, hence how he got here....

I'd normally say to decide for yourself, but it seems like a no brainer this time. You want to play TONS of PS3 exclusives, but you don't mention PC gaming you want to do. You say you don't have blu-ray and you want it. Come on now really? PS3 for you.....
[QUOTE=''LegatoSkyheart'']I have an HDTV and I want to play PS3 exclusives......:| :idea:I KNOW! I'll get a PS3![/QUOTE]

Seriously...... what's so hard about this.....
OK! You guys win! PS3!
But then I start thinking...boy I sure wish I could play Crysis. Aargh, decisions. How's the PSN compared to Steam?
[QUOTE=''grongo2'']But then I start thinking...boy I sure wish I could play Crysis. Aargh, decisions. How's the PSN compared to Steam?[/QUOTE]I trade Uncharted 2 for Crysis any day.
buya pc and hook it up to the tv. thenbuy a cheap bluray drive for the pc in a year or soemthing.
Well, the PC would be in my office. The TV stays in the living room. I don't think my ladyfriend would want me hooking up some crazy big gaming PC up in the living room.

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