Wednesday, April 14, 2010

L.A. Noire Is Game Informer's March Cove ...

Rockstar Games is known for its ambitious projects, and L.A. Noire proves that the company's reputation is safe. While the rumblings about the game have been heard for years, our world exclusive cover story is the only place you'll be able to get concrete information on the gritty crime epic. Over the course of our 10-page feature we look at the game's astonishing reconstruction of 1947 Los Angeles and learn how the team took on such a massive undertaking. We also talk to the team to see L.A. Noire's groundbreaking facial-animation system in action, and learn how it might change the way we look at games from now on.LinkL.A. Noire Is Game Informer's March Cove ...
In b4 ''ps3 exclusive''....''ps3 only''....''360 sucks''L.A. Noire Is Game Informer's March Cove ...
Hmm, i'm interested. *Also Wonders if facial animation system will actually be groundbreaking.*
Finally. :D
Did you guys know that this is a PS3 exclusive? That means that it can only be played on the PS3.. Man the 360 sucks.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''Yandere'']Did you guys know that this is a PS3 exclusive? That means that it can only be played on the PS3.. Man the 360 sucks.[/QUOTE]Beat me to it ;)
[QUOTE=''Yandere'']Did you guys know that this is a PS3 exclusive? That means that it can only be played on the PS3.. Man the 360 sucks.[/QUOTE]Poor logic? Ok lets put it to use:Did you guys know that Crysis is a PC exclusive? That means it can only be played on the PC..Man the PS3 sucks.
Wow, so it DOES exist. Looking forward to hearing more.
Isnt this a PS3 exclusive?
[QUOTE=''Modern_Unit''][QUOTE=''Yandere'']Did you guys know that this is a PS3 exclusive? That means that it can only be played on the PS3.. Man the 360 sucks.[/QUOTE]Poor logic? Ok lets put it to use:Did you guys know that Crysis is a PC exclusive? That means it can only be played on the PC..Man the PS3 sucks.[/QUOTE]Joke.
[QUOTE=''finalstar2007'']Isnt this a PS3 exclusive?[/QUOTE]'t look like it..unless somebody has a link stating something else
OHMYGOODNESS :oi just came, i've been waiting for some info on this game for years.i thought it disappeared and left the world without saying goodbye.holy cow, its STILL exists :P
Awesome. Can't wait for it
80 million for this game, i really hope its good.
[QUOTE=''finalstar2007'']Isnt this a PS3 exclusive?[/QUOTE]No, it will be multiplat. Agent is the one that is PS3 exclusive.
I thought this was multiplat, why is everyone saying its exclusive.
[QUOTE=''djsifer01''][QUOTE=''finalstar2007'']Isnt this a PS3 exclusive?[/QUOTE]No, it will be multiplat. Agent is the one that is PS3 exclusive.[/QUOTE]Right i got confused between this and Agent.. both games dont look somthing i'd play but will see i guess when more news is out for L.A Noir and Agent
Lol, so few people hyping this because nobody seems to know if it's exclusive or not.Multiplat = mehExclusive = omg teh rrodbox sux0rz
Oh good, more info.

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