Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why are 360 owners hiding behind Mass Ef ...

I don't need a 360 to play it. Its out on the PC and better in fact on that platform. I'm seeing alot of ME2 vs Uncharted 2 or really any recent PS3 game. ME2 is not exclusive as I don't have a 360 and still can play ME2, not to mention UC2 and Demons souls. I forsee the same thing will happen with Splinter Cell.Why are 360 owners hiding behind Mass Ef ...
[QUOTE=''bobaban'']I don't need a 360 to play it. Its out on the PC and better in fact on that platform. I'm seeing alot of ME2 vs Uncharted 2 or really any recent PS3 game. ME2 is not exclusive as I don't have a 360 and still can play ME2, not to mention UC2 and Demons souls. I forsee the same thing will happen with Splinter Cell.[/QUOTE]Your a genious bro PC\PS3 > 360 wow who would have thought :?Why are 360 owners hiding behind Mass Ef ...
Its really cuz its all Lems got until like Splinter Cell or something.EDIT: NVM, that's multiplat too, I guess its Alan Wake then lol
Out of curiosity TC, will you be planning on playing ME2 or are you just using the game as fodder for an argument?
Because lems have no exclusives so they cling to any multiplat coming their way.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
They've nothing else to hide behind.
And why do Cows hide behind the PC
Because lems are setting themselves up for Damage Control once Me2 hits ps3 after timed exclusivity is up, j/k. Mass Effect 2 is a great game and a huge improvement over the original. I just started it today after beating Me1 two days ago and I can already tell that ME2 is an amazing game b/c it fixes the problems of ME1, which was also a top notch game
[QUOTE=''bobaban'']I don't need a 360 to play it. Its out on the PC and better in fact on that platform. I'm seeing alot of ME2 vs Uncharted 2 or really any recent PS3 game. ME2 is not exclusive as I don't have a 360 and still can play ME2, not to mention UC2 and Demons souls. I forsee the same thing will happen with Splinter Cell.[/QUOTE]

So now you can't compare multiplat games to exclusives? kthxbi.
Sorry ME2 vs PS3 games is valid as most PS3 owners do not also have a gaming comp that could run ME2. Its all about 360 vs PS3.
its one of the best games this gen if it was PS3/PC it would be the samething
PC gaming is dead but thats my opinion i look at all 360/PC games as console exclusive. Gamespot does and so do i.
I havent noticed that many lems hiding behind. There are a few that dont understand that its multiplat, but for the most part all i see about mass effect 2 is how awesome of a game it is, and that is just fair talk.
[QUOTE=''bobaban'']I don't need a 360 to play it. Its out on the PC and better in fact on that platform. I'm seeing alot of ME2 vs Uncharted 2 or really any recent PS3 game. ME2 is not exclusive as I don't have a 360 and still can play ME2, not to mention UC2 and Demons souls. I forsee the same thing will happen with Splinter Cell.[/QUOTE]so your a PS3 owner hiding behind a PC?Heard that argument this a PC and PS3 vs Xbox360 now?Please, I have a more then a capable PC and can play better versions of multiplats on itbut it doesn't stop games selling on the about MW2? why would people get the PS3 version when the PCversion is markedly superior?nice try singlingout the Xbox360.Why are Cows hinding behind the PC?
[QUOTE=''bobaban'']I don't need a 360 to play it. Its out on the PC and better in fact on that platform. I'm seeing alot of ME2 vs Uncharted 2 or really any recent PS3 game. ME2 is not exclusive as I don't have a 360 and still can play ME2, not to mention UC2 and Demons souls. I forsee the same thing will happen with Splinter Cell.[/QUOTE]

Mass Effect Graphics > Uncharted 2 Graphics

Mass Effect 2 ships 2 million in first week > Uncharted 2

Thread where I've seen cows hide behind Mass Effect being mutiplat > threads Lems acting as if it were exclusive.
Yeah those 360 owners, go play your crappy nerdy Mass Effect 2, I'll play WKC and MAG thank you very much. HA HA HA you guy's jealous, wish you could play these awesome exclusives, Yeah right go play your stupid mulitphat, Fools
So in order for PS3 to be superior to 360 you need an up to date gaming PC. Really? Really?
[QUOTE=''SpideR_CentS'']Sorry ME2 vs PS3 games is valid as most PS3 owners do not also have a gaming comp that could run ME2. Its all about 360 vs PS3.[/QUOTE] Its all about 360 vs PS3? I thought this was system wars?
I hope I don't see you in those ''OMG ME2 COMING TO PS3!'' threads that get posted everyday.

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