Thursday, April 8, 2010

Looking for retro gamers on the PS3.

If your a fan of 2d games like castlevania chronicles, megaman 9, happy that Sonic 4 is in 2D, add me to your friend list. I got castlevania symphony of the night,castlevania chronicles, the demo of megaman 9 and I plan to buy it with megaman 10.The only 3d game tha i might buy will be Naruto shippuden uns2. I'm more of a old school gamer.2d games 4 the win!PSN ID: Cxplorer_Qc_CanLooking for retro gamers on the PS3.
Liking 2D doesn't make you retro.Looking for retro gamers on the PS3.
They won't add you, cause the true retro gamers are still at the 7-11 in the middle of nowhere playing Pong. :P
If you're a retro gamer, wither buy a Wii for VC games, or buy a legacy system on eBay.
If you wanted a Retro system and bought a PS3 you're doing it wrong.The Wii is the ultimate Retro System.
The Wii is the definitive retro console, no doubt about it. PS3 is really a strictly next-gen console, besides the PS1 dowloades.
Just added you tc, love me the retro games especially JRPGs and Castlevania... Can't wait for more PS1 games to come to psn... looking forward to Vagrant story, Mega man legens, legend of Dragoon, Legend o Legia, Bushido Blade, FF Anthologies (FF 5 and 6), Suikoden 2, and many more.
Should've gotten a Wii.
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[QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']They won't add you, cause the true retro gamers are still at the 7-11 in the middle of nowhere playing Pong. :P[/QUOTE]

Pong is too retro for most gamers. I would say games like Pacman, Asteroids or Dig -Dug. If you want to go the next level, it would be games like Bagman, Mappy, MatMania, Black Tiger, Forgotten Worlds, Alex Kidd or Pooyan. Some people won't even recognize these games.
[QUOTE=''Midnightshade29''][QUOTE=''jimkabrhel'']If you're a retro gamer, wither buy a Wii for VC games, or buy a legacy system on eBay.[/QUOTE] Nah... just get a pc man , much better for retro games then the wii... PS1 games on the PSN though is great though becasue you can play them on both your PS3 and PSP... Those games may not look that great on a hd tv , but when you throw them on your psp they look fantastic! Better then back in the day do to the sharp colorful screen! (especailly psp 3000 with it's warm color gamut setting)[/QUOTE]are you a Pirate? Because last I checked the Emulators and Roms don't count here.
i would say old shcool. Btw, the ps3 is also a good sytem for old school games. megaman 9 and 10 are on the system and also the genesis collection.
[QUOTE=''LegatoSkyheart''][QUOTE=''Midnightshade29''][QUOTE=''jimkabrhel'']If you're a retro gamer, wither buy a Wii for VC games, or buy a legacy system on eBay.[/QUOTE] Nah... just get a pc man , much better for retro games then the wii... PS1 games on the PSN though is great though becasue you can play them on both your PS3 and PSP... Those games may not look that great on a hd tv , but when you throw them on your psp they look fantastic! Better then back in the day do to the sharp colorful screen! (especailly psp 3000 with it's warm color gamut setting)[/QUOTE]are you a Pirate? Because last I checked the Emulators and Roms don't count here.[/QUOTE] not unless you count playing nes games on your browser from a website.... I never once mentioned downloading anything... Also is great for retro pc games... More and more are added everyday. I have downloaded half the site for the retro games I love at less then $5 a piece.

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