Saturday, April 10, 2010

What on earth are the controllers going ...

It really all depends on the success and failure of NATAL and sony's wands. If they are both a success, the ps4, and xbox 2600 are most likely going to have the same tech, improved some how and built into the system standard. I think nintendo is going to do whatever they do regardless, who in gods name knows what stuff they are plotting right now, but If these add ons fail for both the HD twins, I doubt that it will be a main focus, or a focus at all for either company next gen and well basically get more dual analogs with a different coat of paint. But anyways.. idk this gen. is kind of coming to a ridiculous point, with sony saying they are pushing for 3D and digital distribution, MS and Sony trying to copy nintendos success, and with nintendo being nintendo, Next gen. seems very scary 3:What do you think is going to happen with all the company's next gen? And what will their consoles be like, who will they aim their console at, and do you think will have any crazy controllers like something a device we have to put on our heads? (god forbid)What on earth are the controllers going ...
ya i cant wait to see what the big 3 will come up with though im more curious on the next handheld by nintendoWhat on earth are the controllers going ...
Dual Shock 4 just needs better triggers, i don't really care about them changing anything else, but I expect some sort of motion or new control scheme being standard by the time next-gen comes around.
I'm hoping the next Xbox controller is just like the 360 controller, but with a better dpad. I also would like for the PS4 controller to have better triggers, and concave sticks
All the major developers would love to have some form of motion sensor tech in their next system, becuase they would love to cut into the massive old lady profits that Nintendo is making.But games are still for gamers, and unless the next generation of motion sensing tech is MUCH more precise, gamepads will still be the norm. And the lack of Sixaxis support shows a melding of the two is not the future.
I just hope we have controllers next gen.If natal becomes big we might now have any at all :(
I don't think we're gonna see major changes in the next Xbox and PS. Nintendo may do a WiiMote 2, return to a more standard controller or do something completely different again.
hopefully dualshock 4... best controller ever!
[QUOTE=''MJPK'']I just hope we have controllers next gen.If natal becomes big we might now have any at all :([/QUOTE]Standard controllers won't ever become obsolete. I don't care how big of a success Natal might be, regular controllers will never be pushed out of gaming.
Sonys will stay the same design except it will be dual shock 4. I bet MS will keep the same design as well. As for Nintendo who knows, maybe a body cast controller.
Who knows. SW will be an interesting place when the new consoles get announced.
[QUOTE=''789shadow'']Who knows. SW will be an interesting place when the new consoles get announced.[/QUOTE]I know lol... Its going to be so exciting around here then
[QUOTE=''VendettaRed07''][QUOTE=''789shadow'']Who knows. SW will be an interesting place when the new consoles get announced.[/QUOTE]I know lol... Its going to be so exciting around here then[/QUOTE]It'll mean the greatest SW Report ever written......:D
Wii 2 is likely going to be the same with Motion Plus as standard and HD. When it hits, the casual market is going to be all over it IMO.Sony and Microsoft will need something radical as direct competition to have a chance next gen. Whether or not Natal and Ark are successfull this gen, they'll need them as standard next time around (hopefully in addition to a normal controller).I also truly believe stereo 3D is the next big step. But not until 3DHDTV's without the need for glasses are common and affordable. The tech is out there but heavily expensive for all but corporate markets.
Sony and MS? Same thing, only with slight improvements (360 dpad, DS3 triggers) and more fancy crap like sixaxis.

I could see one of them going with a crazy misshapen ergonomic design, though.

Nintendo will have Wii remote 2.0, with more buttons and maybe another analog stick.
Standard controller + Motion controls
(core gamers) + (non-gamers)Both cater to different audiences. So why skip out on the money pile by only including one?
[QUOTE=''Blue-Sky'']Standard controller + Motion controls
(core gamers) + (non-gamers)Both cater to different audiences. So why skip out on the money pile by only including one?[/QUOTE] I have a feeling it will follow this also, although the controller will be the basic control and there will also be games that take advantage of a (Probably) separately sold motion control function released alongside the console.
if Nintendo does the whole wii mote nun-chuck thing i really hope they add another control stick and another d pad on the nun-chuck
[QUOTE=''Cherokee_Jack'']Sony and MS? Same thing, only with slight improvements (360 dpad, DS3 triggers) and more fancy crap like sixaxis. I could see one of them going with a crazy misshapen ergonomic design, though. Nintendo will have Wii remote 2.0, with more buttons and maybe another analog stick.[/QUOTE]I hope Nintendo adds more buttons. The 2nd anolog stick hasnt bothered me yet though. IR has replaced it in some ways. The D-Pad works well enough in others.
here is what i want from Nintendo took me a while but thats about what i would like to use also another trigger on the wiimote would be nice

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