[QUOTE=''Idream2010'']including games like GOTY contender Mass Effect 2 and AAA possibles MLB show 2010 and Splinter Cell...[/QUOTE]
I can pass on GOW3 and heavy rain i probably wont like.
But mass effect 2
Fable 3
And crackdown 2 are must plays.Who has a better game overall Library co ...
The PS3 looks better to me.
If only Mass Effect 2 was on the list it would still make it the better of the two for me. Darn awesome game.
Its really hard to say because E3 is still coming up. For all we know, Gears 3 and twisted metal could be hitting this year for 360 and PS3 repectfully. If Gears 3 hits this year, MS is going to have a killer lineup.
360 imo, more interesting games
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I like the look of the MS lineup more at the moment. Sony will have more high scoring games for the year though.
WKC kinda dissapointed me....BUT, I can't wait for HEAVY RAIN!! I'm downloading the demo off of psnI'd have to say the xbox 360 though. I mean, Mass Effect 2 is SOOOO #$% GOOD! My pc can't support it :(for 2009, the PS3 dominated, but w/ Monster Hunter Fronteir, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Fable 3, Halo Reach, and other multiplats w/ multiplayer, the 360 has my vote.......And it should...last year the 360 was meh
Where is Modnation Racers? The game looks awesome.
[QUOTE=''FFOwner'']Where is Modnation Racers? The game looks awesome.[/QUOTE]i left out Alan Wake as well.
360, but if the Last Guardian actually came out this year I might have said PS3.
well easy if you have PC/ps3 like me = I win
The 360 egdes out in the long run I'd say. Then again, with those lists, Im only seeing 3 each on them that should even have been mentioned.2010. Meh.
[QUOTE=''FFOwner'']Where is Modnation Racers? The game looks awesome.[/QUOTE]I agree, Modnation racers and Heavy Rain are the only games that I am interested in so far on my PS3 this year.
any post that doesn't contain ''imo'' is a fanboy post.i will say Sony imo.
*Yawn* another lame topic.
MS. For me it's GoW vs all the games you mentioned except Fable 3. (I'm hearing too much Natal stuff that I am not really looking forward to it until I see it.)
the only ps3 game worth buying for this year personally is GOW III , doubt last guardian is coming out this year.
Sony for me. I mean GOW3 and Heavy Rain are looking orgasmic :D
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