Saturday, April 10, 2010

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Xbox 360 vs ...

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Xbox 360 vs PlayStation 3 comparison

LINKBattlefield: Bad Company 2 - Xbox 360 vs ...
So they are the same..Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Xbox 360 vs ...
I played both demos,and I thought that the ps3 versions looked a bit better.Maybe it was because I played the demo first on my ps3
Why do people compare these things?Anyway, downloaded the demo, and I liked it...butI never played battlefield so I'm kind of lost on how it works :P
Thanks for this. The first Bad Company looked exactly the same on both the PS3 and 360 on my HDTV. Only some differences in hues.---So after looking over these shots, I think the 360 version looks a tiny bit better in some areas. Shouldn't effect the experience in motion at all though. I'll still be getting it on PS3 since I don't have XBL anymore.
Looks like the 360 version has slightly better textures. There identical other than that.
Going by my sig, you should already know I have played both versions, and I'm going with 360 for this one.
Who cares when you're recreating the church tower scene from Saving Private Ryan on a regular basis. 8)
Bad Company 1 was the same on both platforms I believe. Judging from these comparisons, the PS3 version looks a tiny bit washed out. It looks as if there's some sort of filter over everything. It's brighter too. I like the look of the 360 version a tad more.What's impotant to me: which version runs better online? The 360 demo is silky smooth. And the PS3 beta was perfect as well. Haven't played the PS3 demo yet.
I'm no professional, but don't comparisons only work if, oh I don't know, they show the exact same image?
[QUOTE=''Phoenix534'']I'm no professional, but don't comparisons only work if, oh I don't know, they show the exact same image?[/QUOTE] They do, you just have to click on ''view stacked'' under the image.
[QUOTE=''Episode_Eve'']Thanks for this. The first Bad Company looked exactly the same on both the PS3 and 360 on my HDTV. Only some differences in hues.---So after looking over these shots, I think the 360 version looks a tiny bit better in some areas. Shouldn't effect the experience in motion at all though. I'll still be getting it on PS3 since I don't have XBL anymore.[/QUOTE]Means i get to give you a whooping as im getting it on PS3 too :P
[QUOTE=''Regisland'']I played both demos,and I thought that the ps3 versions looked a bit better.Maybe it was because I played the demo first on my ps3[/QUOTE]I actually played the 360 one first and I thought it looked better. These scans definately say, they are exactly the same.
Looks like PS3 is using Quicunx AA, it always wash out the textures.IMO the 360's version looks more realistic, sharper and with a better draw distance details, but apparently PS3 performs just as well so there are no complaints from me :)
The 360 version looks better texture-wise, and in a few other areas that are too minor to mention. However, nothing you would notice while playing.
[QUOTE=''AAllxxjjnn'']Who cares when you're recreating the church tower scene from Saving Private Ryan on a regular basis. 8)[/QUOTE]So I'm not the only one that feels like the battles feel like the ending to Saving Private Ryan. 8) Game looks lidentical except the 360 looks like it might have slightly better lighting, though that may be because of the contrast difference between the shots.
Both versions look great, as expected... btw, when playing the demo on the 360 for the first time, the first game that BFBC2's graphics reminded me of is Crackdown, of all things... it's almost as if the game is cel-shaded...
It looks like the 360 version has darker blacks and whiter whites, I will still be buying the ps3 version. Since I don't pay for live and I don't have enough money for a new pc right now :(
[QUOTE=''RavenLoud'']Looks like PS3 is using Quicunx AA, it always wash out the textures.IMO the 360's version looks more realistic, sharper and with a better draw distance details, but apparently PS3 performs just as well so there are no complaints from me :)[/QUOTE]Nope. No quincunx there buddy. Would've been nice. It looks like a resolution problem to me? Actually the lighting in the PS3 version is better, gives the PS3 a more realistic appearance to me.
Um Gee...I could have told you they are practically the same.:PStill, I will let the fan's pick the quotes as they like :''Where the two versions differ the most is in their shading and texture definition. In the case of the former, you'll see from our shots that the 360 version appears significantly darker - as seen here. The PS3 version, on the other hand, appears slightly more washed out - although this actually ensures objects and detail are more visible in darker situations. For that though, the textures on the 360 version are all the sharper. Regardless of whether you're looking at an object close up or at a distance, so long as the lighting is favourable, it's much easier to make out specific details on objects in the 360 version. As for which is better, it's really a matter of preference. Given how frequently you move from light to dark areas, we found the slightly brighter PS3 version to be more to our liking %26ndash; but the differences really aren't that great when you see it in motion.''Bottomline, they are practically the same.:lol:Pixel counting is crazy this gen.:P

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