Saturday, April 10, 2010

What are the cons in modern warfare 2?

What things prevent Modern Warfare 2 from being a better game?Or what makes you dislike it.What are the cons in modern warfare 2?
yeh no answer someone?What are the cons in modern warfare 2?
Story is a bit too over done.
My only complaints were the short SP and lack of 4 players in Spec-Ops.
All the guns feel the same.
I want more story (Single and/or multi) and less multi-player.
multiplayer maps... i have no problem with anything else except the maps... BESIDES derail =D
It's been covered before:Link
Thanks for the link :)
I like it a lot. Some of the single player I thought went a little overboard, but other than that, great game. =)

I'm no good at multiplayer, but I still enjoy it, but campers can get a little annoying at times, but I still play it a lot while getting owned. Always fun. =D
i dislike it coz its popular and i think its cool to hate popular games
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  • A couple multiplayer inblanaces, nothing major
  • Unpatched multiplayer glitches that completely ruin certain games, though IW is promising to patch them soon
  • Single-player is short as hell
  • No Arcade mode
  • The worst modern video game story EVER
Overall, though, it's a really good game.
[QUOTE=''campzor'']multiplayer maps... i have no problem with anything else except the maps... BESIDES derail =D[/QUOTE]Derail?! Derail is the worst of them all!
The Campaign pretty much sucks in my opinion besides the epic ending, poor community, terrible respawns, and lag and connection issues.
The story is just straight up stupid. The multiplayer also encourages campers and noobtubes >_
i am playing mag right now its not that bad. but mw2 is good they played it safe.
[QUOTE=''sikanderahmed'']i dislike it coz its popular and i think its cool to hate popular games[/QUOTE]One of the reasons it is so popular is because of how incredibly noob-friendly the game is..
[QUOTE=''Sky-''][QUOTE=''sikanderahmed'']i dislike it coz its popular and i think its cool to hate popular games[/QUOTE]One of the reasons it is so popular is because of how incredibly noob-friendly the game is..[/QUOTE]I think it got WAY too many accolades for what it offered, the PC version is definitely the truest, even if the bad ones seem to focus more on what I don't consider a lot of the actual flaws. The MP is fun, but killstreaks more than ever make everyone a lone wolf on most modes that aren't Search and Destroy to try for that nuke, while it remains VASTLY unchanged in a lot of aspects where it could have evolved or used tuning instead of playing it safe. The co-op is also 90% missions from CoD4 or MW2 with only a few notable new levels, and only 2 players outside of the storykind of sucks.The game definitely could have used a more traditional players against the world Horde like mode, so when the inevitable frustration sets in you can relax like with Nazi Zombies. Glitches galore on MP, and a few unbalanced weapons (though these have been tuned).Overall, I'd rate it in the 8's zone. Not the amazing GotY game everyone expected, but not a crash and burn Too Human or Haze failure of a game.I refuse to hate on it naymore for its popularity though, the flaws yes but insults like ''n00b friendly'' or ''made for casuals'' seem a bit immature. If you don't like it because everyone else does, forget about it and go play something else.
-Story is over-done and dull-Feel just like COD4-The multiplayer is unbalanced-Rewards you for everything. (Killing, assisting, dying).

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